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Open Positions

UROP Programme

Applications from talented and highly motivated Imperial undergraduate students to work on research projects as part of Imperial's UROP Programme are very welcome!

Please contact Dr Periklis (Laki) Pantazis directly.

Applications from highly motivated candidates from the graduate student to postdoc level who intend to join the Laboratory of Advanced Optical Precision Imaging at Imperial College London are very welcome!

Please contact
Dr Periklis (Laki) Pantazis directly.

It is likely that funding for one or more PhD projects will be available for 2024.

Prospective PhD students please take also note of:
The President's PhD Scholarship Scheme
NC3Rs PhD Studentship
The China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scheme
The Imperial Marshall Scholarship Scheme
Commonwealth PhD Scholarship

Prospective Postdocs please take note of External Postdoc Fellowships:
Newton International Fellowships
Marie Curie Individual Fellowships
EMBO Fellowships


P A N T A Z I S  L A B.

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